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Indian Pea Exporters

Because of the developing prominence of peas all over the planet, the pea exporter in India needs to in like manner increment the products. Peas are beneficial to eat and are for the most part used to numerous cooking styles prompting the increment of pea send out from India. Peas can be sent out in the new or frozen structure. The Indian pea exporter, trade both these assortments of peas. Other than these, there are numerous different assortments of pea trade from India.



Calories - 62 calories / 100grams

Carbs- 11 grams

Fiber- 4 grams


4 grams


0.4g/100 grams


Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K





Vitamin B6






The pea import from India incorporates different assortments of peas like Asauji, Arkel, Little wonder et cetera. This large number of assortments are traded new and of premium quality. The product of pea incorporate the accompanying assortments.


Asauji is a midget, green, and smooth cultivated assortment of peas. Units in this assortment are created separately. The blossoming happens in 30-35 days in the wake of planting. The pods of this range of peas are around 8 cm long, bended, dull green in variety, and limited in shape. These peas show up round when completely created and are seven cultivated.

2.JG 315

The Arkel assortment of peas is an intriguing assortment from France. The plant is a smaller person however the development is lively and it can grow up to 45 cm. The blossoms of Arkel are white and are borne in twofold on barely any lower hubs. The cases are dull green in variety and 8.5 cm long, incurved towards the stitches with badly crumpled seeds. This assortment is reasonable for both the new market and parchedness.


Little wonder is a bantam plant with badly creased cultivated presented from Britain. The units are of foliage dull green tone. The primary bloom shows up at 9-tenth hub in 40 days in the wake of planting. The units are 8 cm long, borne independently, thick and sparkly, containing 5-6 extremely sweet seeds.


The Jawahar Matar assortment was created at Jabalpur through the hybridization of T19 x Early Badger followed by determinations. The level of the plant is 70-75 cm with a shaggy development propensity. The units are light green in variety and roundish-oval in shape with 4-5 badly creased seeds. The principal picking can be begun at 50-55 days in the wake of planting.

5.HARBHAJAN (EC 33866)

The Harbhajan assortment of peas were created at Jabalpur by choice from the colorful hereditary stock. It is an early assortment and first picking can be taken in quite a while of planting. The pods of these peas are little with yellow, round and little seeds. The typical unit yield of this assortment is 3 t/ha.


Bonneville assortment was presented in the USA. It is one of the most well known assortments of peas. The plant is medium-tall in level and the blossoms are generally borne in copies. The cases are light green, straight, large with 6-7 all around filled, sweet, striking and badly creased seeds. It requires around 65-70 days for the primary blooming and is helpless to fine buildup infection.


The plants of the lincon assortment are medium tall in size. It is by and large twofold podded and the cases are dull green, bended, and enormous with 8-9 crumpled seeds. First picking of this assortment can begin around 85-90 days in the wake of planting. The typical unit yield for this assortment is around 10t/ha.

8.PUNJAB 88 (P-88)

The Punjab 88 assortment of peas was created at Ludhiana through choices from the half breed descendants of the cross Pusa02 × Morriss-55. The plants of this assortment are predominate, incredible, erect with dull green foliage. The principal picking for this variety might be finished following 100 days of planting. The cases are dull green, long, and somewhat bended at the middle with 7-8 green, badly creased, and less sweet seeds.

9.AZAD P-2

The Azad P-2 is a fine buildup safe assortment created at Kalyanpur through cutting edge age determination from the cross Bonneville × 6587. The plants of this assortment are tall, erect with light green foliage and white blossoms. The units of Azad P-2 are medium in size, light green, straight, smooth, firm borne in a group of two with 6-7 creased and caramel seeds.


The Ooty-1 created at Udhagamandalam through unadulterated line determination from the promotion of PS 33. This plant is a bantam sort and has a yield capability of 11.9 t/ha in 90 days crop length. The Ooty-1 is impervious to whitefly.

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