Many countries do onion import from India. Onion exporter in India export varieties like Agrifound Dark Red, Agrifound Light red, NHRDF Red and so on. Onions are grown in various states across the country including Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, and Telangana. Indian onions are especially popular across the globe because of their pungency.
1 AGRIFOUND DARK RED This variety of onions are generally characterised by dark red bulbs and are globular round in shape. They have tight skin and are moderately pungent. The onion crop matures in 90-100 days after transplanting. The Agrifound Dark Red variety gives an average yield of 300 q/ha. 2 AGRIFOUND LIGHT RED The Bulbs of the Agrifound Light Red variety are attractive light red structures, globular round in shape. This variety has reddish thick inner scales. The crop matures in around 110-120 days after transplanting. The variety gives an average yield of 300-350 q/ha. 3 NHRDF RED The Crop of NHRDF variety matures in around 110-120 days after transplanting. The Bulbs of this variety are attractive dark red, globular round in shape. The variety gives an average yield of 250-300 q/ha. It can be cultivated in Northern, Central and Western India in rabi season. 4 AGRIFOUND ROSE As the name states, bulbs are deep scarlet red and flattish round in shape. This variety of crop matures in 95-110 days after sowing. The Agrifound Rose variety gives an average yield of 250-300 q/ha. This variety has been recommended for growing in Kharif season in Cuddapah (AP) and in all three seasons in Karnataka. 6 AGRIFOUND RED The Agrifound Red variety of onions has been recommended for growing in Kharif and rabi seasons in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The bulblets of this variety are light red in colour. There are around 5-6 bulblets per cluster. 7 PUSA RATNAR The Bulbs of Pusa Ratnar variety of Onions are more exposed above ground at maturity. They are red in colour and globular. They are less pungent and have average storage quality. The average yield is around 30 t/ha. These varieties of onions are recommended for rabi season. 8 PUSA RED The Pusa Red variety of onions has a bulb medium in size and bronze-red in colour. The shape of this variety can vary from flat to globular. These plants mature in around 140-145 days after transplanting. The variety is highly suitable for export purpose. It can be grown in late Kharif and rabi season in Maharashtra